Coins Overview
Indian Head Buffalo Nickel Value: Dateless and Worthy
The American coinage history is full of outstanding examples each reflecting the spirit of its time and relations with the outer world. The XX century in the US is usually associated with revelation, whether it should refer to the establishment of a new order or recognition of past cultural oppressions.
Historical Coin Profiles
1979 Susan B. Anthony Dollar: Value, Errors, and Key Varieties
Dollar coins have a long minting history, and each period of coinage reflects the current situation in the country. In 1979, the US Mint made a historic shift when it introduced the Susan B Anthony dollar coin, i.e., the first American coin to feature a real woman. What could it tell, though? Indeed, this is the greatest indicator of legacy and impact that once was meant to occur.
Historical Coin Profiles
Maya Angelou 2022 Quarter Worth Money: Of Legacy and Value
Modern coinage eagerly pays tribute to former leaders, scientists, and generally influential people, yet the figures of art are frequently neglected. Nevertheless, over recent years, the US Mint switched its tactics and moved forward to the commemoration of those who devoted their lives to cultural enlightenment and art. Maya Angelou should never be missed, and the 2022 quarter value represents this tendency to the full.
Historical Coin Profiles
What Makes a 1971 Kennedy Half Dollar Rare? Value & Details
The image of John Kennedy has become iconic over the years. Soon after the tragic fate befell the president, the US Mint released an extraordinary coin meant to commemorate the life of this great ruling figure and honor his achievements in the sphere of politics.
Coins Overview
Top 10 Most Valuable State Quarters: Collector's Guide to Rare Coins
The US Mint regularly releases peculiar and empowering series each representative of which might become a fine addition to any collection. Sometimes, numismatists are given such a wide range of coins to choose from that they can get flabbergasted all at once, and the State Quarters program definitely falls into this category.
Coins Overview
Quarters Worth Money: Quarter Dollar Value Revealed
Numismatics is a powerful realm where each instance might either become an even more valuable coin or lose its collectibility potential overnight. When it comes to a particular unit of currency, whether of physical or digital origin, there are some special circumstances that can dramatically affect its worth, but how to identify it on the spot?
Historical Coin Profiles
Anna May Wong Coin Worth: Specifications and Significance
New benevolent traditions of the US Mint to commemorate and perpetuate transformative, immense figures have changed American history and culture. In 2022, there was launched the American Women Quarters program that is meant to pay tribute to some prominent women who had contributed to the development of the country for good.
Historical Coin Profiles
2023 Bessie Coleman Quarter Errors: How Worthy Are They?
Coin errors are hard to find, yet these may grant the most rewarding experience for those who hunt. Sometimes, even some relatively new instances of numismatic art might exhibit valuable errors, and the 2023 Bessie Coleman quarter value is an illustrative example of this fact. Nevertheless, these coins are renowned not only for their flaws.
Historical Coin Profiles
Lincoln Pennies Worth Money: True Rarities Explained
Nowadays, one of the most widely recognized and appreciated coins in the United States refers to the Lincoln penny, i.e., a one-cent coin that has been struck by the US Mint for more than one hundred years! In terms of the collecting potential, its history knows ubiquitous appreciation, as well as neglect (apart from the use of this unit of currency in daily transactions). So, what do we know about the most valuable penny?
Historical Coin Profiles
The 1916-D Mercury Dime: Coin Connected Rarity and Risk
Do you know something about 1916-D Mercury Dime - a coin, fascinating collectors all over the world? Its rarity, history and high price in the market make this coin a true legend. But along with the desire to own this rare specimen comes the risk of coming across a 1916 D Mercury dime fake, as this coin is one of the most frequently counterfeited.
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