We cover everything from new releases to deep dives into numismatic history.
Historical Coin Profiles
Morgan Dollar 1896: Design, Mintage, and Collectibility
While some coins gain popularity over time, others quickly become favored choices among numismatists, and Morgan 1896 dollar coins definitely belong to the latter group. Inherently iconic, the Morgan dollar has always captivated enthusiasts of all sorts, thanks to its symbolic meaning in terms of economic significance and artistic aspirations hidden in the precious metal of the coin.
Coins Overview
Dates on Coins: Meaning & Examples. International Edition
Each coin is a unique creation that has different signs that reflect its nature and type. In the majority of situations, one may easily identify when a coin was minted by simply looking at its markings which carry more significance than just delivering statistics and other important details alike.
Coins Overview
Buffalo Nickel 1926: With Due Respect to the Origins
The roots may not disappear overnight, but sooner or later the memories about them can fade away. To perpetuate the images of the past, the US Mint released a collection of Buffalo Nickel devoted to the native American culture that deserves glorification at all levels and establishments.
Coin Collecting Tips
Focus on Coins: Secrets to Capture Every Detail
Every beginner and experienced numismatist knows that in collecting coins every detail matters: small defects, barely recognizable inscriptions, even minor scratches can affect the value of the coin and its rarity.
Historical Coin Profiles
The 1982 American Quarter: Errors, Values, Oddities
What is the 1982 quarter? It’s that very coin that continues to attract coin collectors today. But why? There’s no universal answer, but this particular year is connected with special events in the numismatic world, and with a convergence of errors, production changes, and quirks that make finding a 1982 quater such an experience.
Historical Coin Profiles
Morgan Dollars Through the Years: The Story and Mintages
Morgan dollars have a history that stretches across more than a century and includes a lot of mintmarks, mintage figures, and rare varieties; these coins reflect the U.S. economy and culture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They represent an enduring fascination for collectors worldwide.
Historical Coin Profiles
1909 Cent Secrets: VDB S, VDB and No Mint Mark Examples
The 1909 US penny was an important part of American numismatics. It was the year famed for the 1909 S VDB Lincoln cent - the first coin in the history of the United States with the image of a real historical figure, rather than an allegorical figure symbolizing the ideals of freedom.
Historical Coin Profiles
Lincoln Head Cent Collection 1909 to 1940: How to Get?
The prominent figures in history always become the main characters depicted on the coins. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States of America frequently appears on different types of cultural artifacts, and coins remain the most popular of them all.
Coin Collecting Tips
Coins of Paradise: The Best Coin-Dealing Spots in Honolulu
Numismatists live all over the world, and each representative of this everlasting community strives to find the most prosperous and reliable spot for their coin hunt. The paradise of the distant land cannot be an obstacle but a major attractor for those who trade coins and develop the market at the same time. Hawaii with its flourishing city of Honolulu is the right place to explore the exotic landscape of numismatics.
Coins Overview
1976 Bicentennial Dollar: A Big Coin for a Big Anniversary
Do you know what coin is Eisenhower on? If we are talking about historical US coins, the Eisenhower dollar holds a special place in the hearts of collectors. These dollars were minted from 1971 to 1978 and were the last big U.S. dollars to be minted.
Identify Any Coins