Historical Coin Profiles
1936 Mercury Dime: History, Mint Marks and Values
Every coin has a story, the 1936 Mercury Dime does it, too. It is a window into the history and economic landscape of 1930s America. If you have ever found yourself wondering, how much is a 1936 dime worth today or whether that old coin in your collection might be rare, you are in the right place!
Historical Coin Profiles
The First in the Series: Why the 1946 Dime Was So Special
When Franklin D. Roosevelt passed away in 1945, there was a nationwide grief that settled over the country and beyond. His legacy, though, did not vanish but was meant to be perpetuated in metal. In 1946, as a tribute, the United States Mint released a very special coin, i.e., a dime, which can be considered a symbol of the president, his legacy, and the monetary sector of that period.
Historical Coin Profiles
What President Is On the Dime? A Quick Guide
The US coins usually bear the portraits of real historical figures, and this tradition started in 1909 with the introduction of the Lincoln Cent. Among these iconic designs, one may notice the dime, another numismatic creation featuring a prominent president whose contributions should have been perpetuated in metal.
Historical Coin Profiles
1964 Roosevelt Dime Value: A Collector’s Silver Dream
What makes a 1964 dime rare? This question remains a hot topic among numismatists and silver investors. You may have heard that it is the last circulating dime struck with 90% silver. This coin carries both historical significance and intrinsic metal value.
Historical Coin Profiles
Bust Quarters: What Are They and How Did They Appear?
In American numismatics, there are a lot of coins connected to a burgeoning nation. Among these, the Bust Quarters are rather interesting. You may have heard about the 1796 Draped Bust Small Eagle Quarters, the 1835 Capped Bust Quarter or any other with a glimpse into the past.
Historical Coin Profiles
1928 Buffalo Nickel: Rarity, Errors, and What It Is Worth
The 1928 Buffalo Nickel is a coin that is desirable by many numismatists. But why? When you find out the true 1928 Nickel value, you will realize that it can be rewarding.
Historical Coin Profiles
The Value of a 1959 Nickel: Hidden Potential in Every Detail
At first glance, a 1959 nickel might seem like just another everyday coin that you may have in your wallet. But what if I told you that some of these seemingly ordinary nickels could be really valuable? If you have a 1959 Jefferson nickel, you could be an owner of history, art and rather valuable possession.
Historical Coin Profiles
Everything about the 1943 Nickel: Errors, Prices and Silver Content
The 1943 Jefferson Nickel is one of the most interesting coins in American history. They were minted during World War II. Moreover, these coins were made with a unique 35% silver composition. This is distinct from other Jefferson numismatic specimens.
Historical Coin Profiles
1954 Nickel Guide: Rarity, Errors and Market Value
Did you know that a 1954 Jefferson nickel can be rather valuable? You might be an owner of a great possession! Nevertheless, this is true that many 1954 specimens are common, but some varieties and error coins can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars at auctions. If you want to understand the true 1954 nickel coin value, you firstly need to learn its history, mint varieties and unique errors.
Historical Coin Profiles
1939 Jefferson Nickel: Value, Errors, Mint Marks
Is a 1939 nickel worth anything? The answer will depend on its age, the stories it carries, its varieties, mint marks and rare errors. If you have one in your collection, you should definitely understand its true worth. But it requires a closer look. We will provide you with it today in this article.
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