Wings of Wealth: The Legendary Angel Gold Coin

Wings of Wealth: The Legendary Angel Gold Coin

In the world of collecting and numismatics, it is not always just about the investment value, but also about the aesthetic component and deep symbolic meaning of the collection. Сoins with an angel confirm this, as they stand out with skillful design and are often endowed with special meanings as blessing, protection, good luck. Here we will try to uncover the secrets behind these angel coins and examine why they attract collectors, numismatists and art lovers.

In the world of collecting and numismatics, it is not always just about the investment value, but also about the aesthetic component and deep symbolic meaning of the collection. Сoins with an angel confirm this, as they stand out with skillful design and are often endowed with special meanings as blessing, protection, good luck. Here we will try to uncover the secrets behind these angel coins and examine why they attract collectors, numismatists and art lovers.

The Symbolic Meaning of Angels on Coins

Golden coin with an angel on it is popular all over the world for a reason, because for many people owning a coin is akin to holding a special talisman that attracts prosperity, good luck, divine power. It is believed that such coins are particularly helpful and attract good luck in financial matters. 

In traditional European culture, angels are represented as heavenly inhabitants, good messengers protecting their wards from troubles and misfortunes. Angels symbolize the connection between the earthly and the heavenly, and their depiction on coins gives this money a mystical significance. And double-sided angel gold coins seem to “double” this meaning, making such pieces especially attractive and desirable to those who believe in their protective properties.

A calm and relaxed woman holds in her hands a gold coin with angel on coin - her talisman of good luck in business.

So, let us tell you more about specific examples of angel coins that are highly prized by collectors and connect the world of material values with spiritual ones.

Famous Gold Coins with Angels

  1.  French Gold Angel Coin

The French gold coin with an angel on it is considered one of the most iconic and symbolic coins of its kind. It was designed by the famous French engraver Augustin Dupré. The coin was first issued in the late 18th century and was popular throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

Design: the obverse of the coin depicts an angel standing in front of an altar writing the law. The angel is a symbol of law and justice, and the altar serves as a reminder of the importance of law and order. The inscription around the image usually includes the words “RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE” (French Republic). The reverse of the coin reflects the French symbol -  the rooster and the slogan “LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ”.

Main Characteristics:

  • 900 gold (90% gold and 10% copper to improve durability)

  • Weight 6.45 grams

  • Diameter 21 mm

There are also modern replicas and commemorative editions of the Angel coin minted in a variety of sizes and weights, including halves and smaller versions.

A detailed image of the French golden angel coin showing its obverse and reverse.

Investment potential: the coin is highly valued for its historical significance and minting quality. Today the coin is interesting primarily to collectors and numismatists. Due to the large circulation of this coin (minted at many mints in France), its value is not huge - about 300-400 dollars or less.

Interesting fact: legend has it that Napoleon always carried this coin with him as a talisman until he lost it before the Battle of Waterloo (and failed, as we all know). Soon the fame of the coin's “good luck” spread around the world, and its owners tried to keep it with them at all times.

  1. Angel Coin (English Gold Coin)

This golden angel coin was named after the image of the Archangel Michael defeating a dragon. This image symbolized the victory of good over evil, and for many centuries the “Angel” was considered a talisman of good luck, especially at sea (the coin was also particularly used for international trade). The coin was introduced into circulation by Edward IV and remained an important part of the English coinage system until the early 17th century.

Design: the obverse of the coin shows the Archangel Michael with a raised sword striking a dragon. The reverse of the coin features a ship in sunlight with the coat of arms of England and a cross. The legend contains an abbreviated inscription in Latin.

A close-up of the English Angel coin, with Archangel Michael defeating the dragon on the obverse and the ship on the reverse.

Main Characteristics:

  • 23 carat gold

  • Weight of the coin is about 5 grams

  • Diameter is 21 mm

Investment values: how much does this angel coin worth? Like most historical gold coins, the Angel coin is valued for its rarity, historical importance and high quality of mintage. The value of the coin will depend greatly on its condition, year of issue, and collector interest (the approximate range of value can range from $1000 to several tens of thousands of dollars).

Interesting fact: this gold coin with an angel was often used as a reward to knights for battle honors, which made it even more valuable. It also played a role in church ceremonies, where it was presented to the church as a gift (especially if healing was required).

  1. "Double Angel" English Coin

The Double Angel coin first appeared in England under Henry VII in the 15th century and since then has become one of the most famous coins. Despite its name, it does not reflect angels on both sides. It got its name because its denomination was two “regular” English Angels, which we described above.

It was issued as an expanded version of the standard English angel coin, and accordingly has the same symbolism. This gold angel coin was minted to introduce a larger denomination coin that could be used in international trade or for government payments.

Design: the design of the coin is similar to its prototype and depicts Archangel Michael on the obverse and the heraldic cross with the coat of arms.

A close-up of the Double Angel coin, depicting Archangel Michael on the obverse and the heraldic cross on the reverse.

Main Characteristics:

  • High grade gold, usually 23 carats (96% gold)

  • Weight is about 10 grams (twice as heavy as the standard Angel, which weighed about 5 grams).

  • Diameter is about 27 mm

Investment potential: since Double Angel specimens are rare, they represent a special area of interest for collectors and numismatists and can be worth several thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars.

Gold Coins with Images of Angels on Both Sides

At the same time, there are several legendary two-sided angel coins. Coins with angels on both sides are quite unusual and rare, they have more religious character and symbolism, so coins with angels on both sides are worth more than most of the usual specimens. Let's take a closer look at them below.

  1. Modern British Issues of Commemorative Coins Depicting Saint Michael and the Angels

Coins depicting St. Michael and other angels are very popular. Since they are commemorative, they are not released into general circulation, they are memorial collector's items symbolizing protection and spiritual blessing.

Design: the obverse of the coin traditionally features Archangel Michael towering over a defeated dragon, symbolizing the victory of good. The reverse reflects scenes with other guardian angels demonstrating patronage and spiritual guidance.

A well-organized collection of various gold coins with angel on both sides, arranged to highlight the diversity and beauty of these collectible pieces.

Main Characteristics Concerning Commemorative Coins:

  • Usually, this gold coin with angel on both sides are made of gold (24 carat)

  • They often weigh between 3 and 28 grams

  • The denomination of the coins often varies (between £1 and £100) or the equivalent in another currency, depending on the country of issue.

  • The coins are of high minting quality and limited mintage, making them collector's items.

Investment potential: gold coins with angels on both sides have a high (both artistic and symbolic) value, and often these angel coins on both sides of which are different religious motifs used for anniversary and commemorative issues.

Interesting fact: which angel coin: gold or silver one do you prefer? Sometimes these coins are made of high-grade silver (usually 99.9% silver) and in limited editions, which makes these silver double sided angel coins value high and provides their investment value.

Please note that these specifications may vary depending on the specific issue and design of the coin. It is recommended to consult official sources and catalogs or use modern technologies like Coin ID Scanner app for accurate data. Scan a coin of your collection with the camera of your mobile device, find out basic information regarding the object of your collection and the latest news in the world of numismatics. The app is based on an extended coin database and can make your hobby more convenient, rewarding and enjoyable.

screen from the Coin ID Scanner app
  1. Angel and Archangel Сoin from the Vatican

The Angel and Archangel coin from the Vatican is also one of the commemorative coins and reflects the symbolism of the divine, angels and archangels. Angel coins on both sides of which are celestials and patrons are very popular in religious circles and are of great value among religious people, as the second angel on the reverse is perceived as an additional amulet and stronger protection.

Design: the obverse and reverse often depict archangels or angels, as stated in the name. The most common design includes the archangel Michael fighting a dragon or other archangels such as Gabriel, other symbolic depictions of guardian angels, celestial scenes, or religious symbols characterizing victory over evil and divine protection

Main Characteristics of this Commemorative Series

  • The year of issue may vary. Coins dedicated to angels can be issued as part of a series or in separate issues.

  • The material of production is gold, silver and copper. The most popular options are gold (22 carats), and silver (99.9% silver).

  • The weight of a gold coin can be up to 31 grams, while a silver coin can weigh the same or more.

Investment value: Vatican coins, especially those with religious images like double sided gold angel coins valued highly by collectors and investors. These coins with angels on both sides worth from a few hundred euros and up to several thousand euros depending on their rarity and condition.

Interesting fact: very often commemorative coins or coins of jubilee series are created as commemorative or collector's items by private workshops or mints without signatures or printed stamps and have no official denomination or state issue because their purpose is purely decorative or symbolic.

The picture shows a bowl of scales. On one of the scales there is a rare two sided angel coin, on the other scales there is a handful of ordinary coins.

Coins with images of angels on both sides combine mysticism, beliefs and convictions with real material value and significance. Due to them people have a unique opportunity to own rare and significant assets. That is why these coins attract attention not only for their design but also for their symbolism and promise their owners protection, blessings and stability in all affairs.

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